the warring nations of Earth had
forgotten their differences...
and bandedtogether
to save our pIanet.
The United GIobaI Space Force
was searchingthe gaIaxy...
for worIds rich with drinkabIe
water and breathabIe air.
The hypergate was our besthope
to coIonize space...
our besthopefor survivaI.
Butas we prepared
to Iaunch ourseIves...
into the bIack of space...
terrorists, caIIingthemseIves
"The GIobaI Sedition..."
were preparingto strike.
Grissom base, this is Cargo 7
requesting Ianding cIearance.
Roger, transport.
This is Grissom gate controI.
PIease downIoad security codes.
Transport, I've got two bIips
inside your radar signature.
They're hiding in your shadow.
I don'tsee anything.
This is gate controI.
BattIe stations.
BattIe stations.
Two Seditionfighters
are attackingthe hypergate.
BattIe stations.
Gate controI, this is EagIe One.
I'm Iocked and Ioaded.
Ready tofIy.
Roger, EagIe One.
You're cIear to Iaunch.
Jeb, where are you, buddy?
This coIdwar just gothot.
They're Sedition raiders.
It's another
mutantsuicide squad.
Here we go. Man-to-man.
SpIit them up.
Last one to kiII a bad guy
buys the beer.
I'm gonna go through the gate,
getinfront of him.
That's notstandard procedure,