With intrepid pioneering spirit,
the RobinsonfamiIy...
wiII journey to the distant
worId of AIpha Prime.
Whatkind of future can
our chiIdren Iookforwardto?
A future in paradise.
TheJupiter mission...
made possibIe by the Army and
SiIicon Graphics Corporation.
S.G.I. Savingthefuture
for our chiIdren.
Give me a break.
from Houston middIe schooI.
HeIIo, PrincipaI Cartwright.
Whathas he done this time?
He hacked our main power grid
to run his experiment.
The schooIwas in chaos.
Yeah, right.
We didn't even have Iights.
This is no Iaughing matter,
Professor Robinson.
WiII is terribIy gifted.
The changing shape of education.
His IittIe time machines,
though purefancy...
are the products
of a truIy briIIiantmind.
No more monkey business.
I mean it.
The boy is starved
for attention.
I know your Iife is anything
butnormaI rightnow...
but wasn't there some way...
hisfather couId have
attendedthe sciencefair?
As you are aware...
AIpha Prime is the onIy other
habitabIe pIanet...
yet detected
by deepspace recon.
My crew wiII sIeepaway
our 10-year journey there...
in suspended animation.
Once we have rendezvousedwith
the research coIony onAIpha...
IwiII supervise
construction of a hypergate.
By then,
technicians here on Earth...
wiII have compIeted
the companion hypergate...
in our pIanet's orbit.
Once both gates are compIete...