ships wiII be abIe to pass
instantaneousIy between them.
Immediate coIonization
of AIpha Prime wiII be possibIe.
Can'tyou justuse
theJupiter's hyper-engine...
to zapstraight to AIpha Prime?
Hyperspace exists
beneath normaI space.
If youtry to enter hyperspace
withouta gate...
your exitfactor is random.
There's no teIIing
where you'd come out.
Ninety-eightpercent of
the gaIaxy is stiII uncharted.
There's a Iot of space
to getIostin.
How is Captain DanieIs
recoveringfrom thefIu?
WiII he piIot the mission?
Ladies and gentIemen.
You came to getyourfirstIook
at theJupiter 1.
you've waited Iong enough?
Let's move into the Iaunch dome.
One more question, Professor.
Nowthat the mission's
been pushed up...
how do your chiIdrenfeeI
aboutIeavingthe earth behind?
They couIdn'tbe more excited.
This mission sucks!
I don't wanna Ieave earIy.
I don't wanna go ataII.
We wiII discuss this at dinner.
For the Iast three years, I've
missed everythingtraining...
so I can spendthe next 10years
missing everything eIse.
I'm notstaying homefor dinner.
I'm seeing my friends.
I'm going out to say good-bye
to my entire Iife.
Penny, I needyou here tonight.
Waita minute.
On this eve, before she's torn
from everything she knows--
hurIed into deepspace
againsther wiII--
what thoughtsfiIIthe mind
of the daring space captive?
Are there boys onAIpha Prime?
What wiII Iwear?
What wiII itbe Iike to jettison
your body into deepspace?
you'IItry hoIdingyour breath.