Lost in Space

Butyour bIood's
aIready begun to boiI.

Then your skin infIates
Iike a baIIoon.

Do they have a name
for what's wrongwith you?

Dad says don'tbringthem.
Like anything I do
matters to him.

Don'tsweatit, kid.
I gotapoIogy videos
for two birthdays.

HeforgotIastyear compIeteIy.
This mission's the onIy thing
he cares aboutanymore.

So that's a no tofamiIy dinner?
Let's see.
Do I spend my Iastnight
on Earth...

watching Mom and Dad pretend
not to befighting again...

or bIow 10years worth
of aIIowance at the maII?

You do the math.
Mom's gonna go thermaI.
What's she gonna do,
ground me?

I'm nervous aboutjamming in
a new piIot the Iastsecond.

The GIobaI Sedition
is getting brave.

First the hypergate,
then DanieIs.

Next time, they may attack
the Iaunch dome.

We can'taffordto wait.
WiII's sciencefair. Reminder.
ApoIogy videofor WiII.

He'II understand.
Ben, Iisten.
My famiIy is on this mission.
I need a piIot who's
more than justspitand poIish.

I've gotyour man.
He just doesn'tknow ityet.
At ease, Major.
Why was I puIIed
from active duty?

Those gen-techs
may attack again.

I needto be up there.
Do you know Professor Robinson?
By reputation. Yourfather's
battIe strategies...

were required reading
at the academy.

What can youteII me
about theJupiter mission?

is an oversized robot.

Everything's automatic.
Any monkey in afIightsuit...
can piIot thatship
out of the soIar system...

and sether down onAIpha Prime.
It's a baby-sitting job, sir.
