Lost in Space

Jeb WaIker.
He's an exceIIentfIyer.

He's perfectfor this mission.
WeIcome aboard, Major.
Looks Iike somebody sprung
for thefuII-extras package...

on this beauty.
If you have to be a baby-sitter,
it's notsuch a bad nursery.

WouIdn'tyou agree?
I don't getit.
I can't get the cryo-sIeep
systems upover 96%.

Dr Smith approvedthe specs.
Dr Smith is the base physician.
I am responsibIe infIight.

These tubes wiII be perfect,
or the shipwiII notIaunch.

Is that cIear?
AbsoIuteIy, Doctor.
Judy, Iwant to introduce you
to Major West.

He'II be taking Mike's pIace.
He's heavier than Mike.
We'II have to recaIibrate.

I'd be happy to discuss
my dimensions, Doctor...

say, over dinner?
I've read aboutyou.

You're a war hero, aren'tyou?
WeII, yes, actuaIIy.
Who was it who said,
"Those who can't think,fight"?

Ithinkthatit was me.
It was nice to have metyou.
That's one coIdfish
I'd Iove to thaw.

I'm not gonna make it over
for dinner tonight, Dad.

It's gonna be a IongfIight.
Maureen, pick up the phone,

I know you're there.
Are you stiII packing?

I'm justIeaving.
Go to bed.
