Getaway from me!
What the heII
are you doing here?
Major West,
thank God it's you.
Iwas in here
doing some Iastminute checks.
Someone hitmefrom behind.
That's Sedition technoIogy.
You're a damn spy.
You didthis.
Whatare you doing?
Throwing out the trash!
I need heIp!
I can't getJudy out!
She's dying!
Touch me,
andthe girI dies!
I don't deaIwith dead men.
KiII me, kiIIthe girI.
How much is your revenge worth?
I can save her Iife...
onIy if you give me your word
as an officer you'II spare mine.
-I've gotheIm controI.
We're way off course.
We're caughtin the sun's
gravitationaI puII.
Is that what thatbig baII is?
We've gotfour minutes before
the outer huII begins to meIt.
I needyouto check
on the thruster aIignments.
I'IItry for the Mercury mines.
I'II need Dr Robinson's
portabIe gurney.
You'IIfind itbeIow.
Smith, come on!
Youtriedto kiII my famiIy.
We trustedyou.
It's the worId behindthe worId,
Professor Robinson.
Lie once, cheat twice,
and everything becomes cIear.
Do notmistake my deception
for a characterfIaw.
Itis a phiIosophicaI choice...
in a study of the universe.
Itis a way of Iife.
You're a monster.
butI'm aIso the onIy one...
who can saveJudy's Iife.