Motion sensors
are stiIIworking.
This way.
RambIer-crane series robots.
ButIike no design
I've ever seen.
WeII, weII.
Aren't we the poor cousin?
Down here.
It's a remote opstation.
Come on, Dr Smith.
CouIdthis shipbe a prototype?
Looks Iike some kind
of firefight.
Captain's Iog is degraded.
Maybe I can gather
The hyperspace tracker seems
to befunctioning normaIIy...
but we cannotprocess
aIIthe data.
There is no sign
of theJupiter 2.
I have exceeded my timetabIe.
When did he make Major?
Iwant this on the record.
I am not wiIIingto give up.
Don wouId keepIookingfor me.
That's it. The rest
of the data's totaIIy corrupted.
How couIdthey Iaunch
a rescue missionfor us...
when we've onIy been Iosta day?
There's no data
on the aIien ship...