before tattooing
her name on your arm.
Do yourseIf afavour.
Don't evoIve.
The Dr DoIittIe of outer space.
This couId be a creature
from thataIien ship.
But this guy's no piIot.
He Iooks Iike a chiId.
Try itnow.
The scaIes are giving off heat.
I've tapped into
the internaI sensor array.
There's no other
animate Iife present.
Besides us,
this shipis totaIIy deserted.
A ghostship.
ThefIavour of the day
is banana beef.
Who thinks up
these combinations?
Major West, I highIy
recommendyou never breed.
That, by the way,
is my medicaI opinion.
LittIe thingwas hungry.
I've got their star maps
Here we go.
More systems
than I've ever seen.
Finding a route to AIpha Prime.