Lulu on the Bridge

I don't even know who you are.
Yes, you do.
You know everything about me.
Not really.
But it doesn't matter, does it?
As long as you don't...
get up and leave now,
I don't suppose it does.

You don't see me rushing
to get out of here, do you?

Tell me something, Izzy...
Are you... an ocean
or a river?

It's a game I used to
play with my sister.

You have to answer.
An ocean or a river...?
A river.
Are you... a match
or a cigarette lighter?

A match.
Definitely a match.
Are you a car or a bicycle?
A bicycle.
Are you... an owl
or a hummingbird?

H mm...
I used to be a hummingbird...
But now I'm an owl.
Are you sneakers or boots?
That's not fair, you have
to give me a chance now.

- Sneakers or boots?
- Boots.

Now it's my turn.
It's fun, isn't it?
- We used to do it for hours.
- Shh...

you concentrate now.
Are you a real person...
or a spirit?
