I am tired of waiting for you
to tell me I am ready.
I have my own scores to settle,
a new life to find.
I thought I could do it here,
but I was wrong.
En garde!
Choose your weapon.
Montero has invited every don
in California to a banquet.
If you want to be of service,
you can join them as a spy.
- I think I do not understand, sir.
- Your skill is growing, Alejandro.
But I must give you something
which is beyond your reach.
- What is that?
- Charm.
And what is that?
Convince Montero
that you are a gentleman -
- and he will let you
into his circle.
A gentleman?
- This will take a lot of work.
- Yes ...
Look at me. This is the most
stupid thing I have ever done.