With you here and seemingly occupied,
how's your work going,
l mean, elsewhere?
While you were shaving this morning,
you weren't just shaving.
- What do you mean?
- You were hatching ideas,
making plans,
arriving at decisions, right?
Yeah, l guess so.
So you understand the concept. While
part of you is busy doing one thing,
another part of you is
doing another, perhaps even attending
to the problems of your work.
- Correct?
- Of course.
So you understand the idea.
Congratulations, Bill.
Now multiply that by infinity,
take that to the depths of forever,
and you still will barely have
a glimpse of what l'm talking about.
- Joe?
- Yes, Bill?
How about giving
a guy a break?
Make an exception?
- Well, there's one to every rule.
- Not this.
And call my family. l'd like them
to have dinner with me tonight.
Didn't the family
get together last night?
- Jennifer.
- Of course, Mr. Parrish, right away.
- Uh, perhaps you'd like
to wait in my office.
- No.
What l'm trying to say is this is
a board meeting and you're not a member.
l'm sure you'll find a way
to make it all right.
Nice to meet you.
Good morning.
Thank you. Eddie.
Uh, this is Joe Black.
- He's a personal associate
of mine, and, uh--
- Hello, Quince.
- Hey.
- He'll be
joining us this morning.
l know this is unusual,
and my apologies, and, uh--
- Drew, carry on.
- lt's nice to see you.
Didn't expect you, but, uh--
certainly you can't get
enough of a good thing.
- Thank you.
- Joe, would you like to sit there?