See if they correlate.
If they don't, you may have lost some
bytes in the transfer, lost a keyword.
You won't be able
to defractionate. Yeah?
- Are you scrambled?
- Give me a break, Leo. I'm busy.
It's Mercury, Dean. Somebody just walked
on water. You have to get up here now.
- What did you just say?
- You are a stranger.
- Who is this?
- Simon, put down the phone.
Simon, Simon, wait a second.
Please don't hang...
Who is that?
Listen to the timbre
of his voice.
It's a child.
That had to be his mother.
Right. It's just
some rug rat...
drooling over the phone,
punching numbers, like a random thing.
We're not that lucky.
- We have to call Kudrow.
- What? Dean, what?
No, no, no.
We don't have to call anybody.
All we gotta do is an analysis,
and give him a report when he gets back.
- That's it!
- Do you understand what just happened?
We have to call him now
or he's gonna say we tried to hide it.
- Morning, sir.
- Good morning, Marine.
I've got an urgent message
for Lieutenant Colonel Kudrow.
Mercury is already
operational in most of our com centers.
And I'm here to confirm
everything you've already heard.
Mercury is a quantum leap
in our communications security.
And once we complete its installation
in all of our com centers...
- it's going to be very hard
for our adversaries...
- And our allies.
And our allies to compromise
our communications.
An urgent message
for you, sir.
If you'll excuse me.
- Mr. Johnson will continue the briefing.
- All right, gentlemen.