This is national security.
Looking at the best case scenario,
let's suppose the boy is unique...
and he doesn't understand
what he's just done.
Does that solve my problem?
Answer: No!
Analysis: All we need now
is for someone else...
who understands his capability
to come along...
and my problems are increased
Then maybe we should talk
to the kid.
- And, uh...
- No.
No. No.
There must be nothing
that connects the boy to this office.
Am I clear?
Yes, sir.
I want you to erase
the tape.
Am I clear?
Yes, sir.
- Honey, will you get that?
- Yeah, I got it.
- Martin Lynch?
- Yeah.
Detective Burrell,
Chicago police.
Sorry to bother you. Can I ask you
a few questions? It's very important.
- I got your address from Simon's school.
- Something wrong?
If I drag this out,
it's only gonna make things worse.
One of the other parents
has made accusations...
against Simon's driver
of a sexual nature.
- Oh, my God.
- Well, they're only allegations
at this point.
If I could step inside
and speak with you.
Uh, sure.
It won't take more
than a moment.
- I don't want to upset you.
- Well, you've already upset us.
- I'm sorry about that.
- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- Or something?
- Yeah. Yeah, that'd be real nice.