Mercury Rising

Yeah. Lacerations.
- You still alive?
- Still here, Art.

- How are ya?
- All right.

What is this?
It's supposed to be a missing kid.

It is.
These are the parents.

Looks like
a murder-suicide.

So where's the kid?
Missing, remember?
What are you
doin' here?

Somebody called the F.B.I.
And they sent me. Go figure.

No, I meant,
what are you doin' here?

Workin' my way to the bottom, Jack,
just like you.

The kid's name is Simon.
Neighbors say he's retarded.

Guys who kill their families
kill all of 'em.

Maybe he did the kid somewhere else.
Didn't want Mom to see.

Kid like that
costs a bundle.

Maybe Dad got tired of knocking himself
out for a kid who didn't know better.

Put 'em all out
of their misery.

How's a guy that's so broke
afford a $1500 handgun?

- Mind if I take a look around, Jack?
- We already did.

- The kid's not here.
- Does that mean you mind?

- Hey, be my guest.
- Thanks.

By the way, Lomax called.
He said it's important.

Yeah, I bet.
Got a phone on you?

What do you know?
- Thanks.
- Be sure I get it back.

- How are ya?
- Good.
