Here you go, Art.
It's still damp,
but at least it's clean.
- Thanks, Dana.
- You're welcome.
Simon, I think these
will fit you.
Not my Frank Thomas shirt!
Remember what
I told you about sharing?
I thought you were done
taking those downers.
Yeah. So?
- There's no body on the El tracks.
- What?
No body. No blood.
No casing. Nothing.
Who could've got it cleaned up
that fast?
- Give him up.
- What?
The kid. Give him up.
Take him back.
- Would you give your own kid up?
- It's not your kid!
Yeah? Well, right now,
he's nobody's kid.
His mom and dad got shot dead
by a real bad guy. Remember?
- Let's go, Simon.
- Let me get these clothes on him.
I need your car keys.
Let me just walk around
the streets with this kid now? Come on.
- I'm reporting it stolen in the mornin'.
- Thanks.
Daddy is going to sing
Daddy is going to sing
Daddy is going to sing
- Daddy is going to sing
- How can you not be tired?
Daddy is going to sing
Daddy's not here right now,
Daddy is going to sing
I told you, your daddy
is not here now!
Oh, God. How am I supposed
to explain this?