Mia aioniotita kai mia mera

For the last few months
my only contact with the world
has been this unknown neighbour of mine,
who always answers to me
with the same music.

Who are they?
What are they like?
One morning,
I wanted to go and meet them,

but then I changed my mind.
Maybe it's better
not to meet them and imagine them.

Will it be a hermit
like me?

Or perhaps a little girl
before leaving to school
plays with the unknown neighbour.
All passed by so quickly!
This suspect pain...
my stubbornness to want to learn,
to want to know...

then the darkness...
the silence around me...
the silence.
All made me believe
that before the end of winter

with the ethereal
silhouettes of the boats,

and their sudden
breakthroughs in the sky,

with the lovers along the promenade,
in the declining sun,
