I hired him special.
Ten minutes ago.
You want to dance?
What? So, this is a date
or something?
Not that I'd know.
I've never been on one before.
Yeah, well, I guess most guys
are afraid of a girl's father.
I can just see a guy telling Joe
he's gonna get you home by midnight.
Well, nobody's ever had to tell Joe
what time they'll have me home by.
What's it like?
- "Lt"?
- Yeah.
This whole dating,
dancing, love thing.
Well, it's...
kinda like being bit
by a Makiki spider.
- And how's that?
- You get kind of a fever.
A fever. Ah. And then?
And then you... you find yourself
saying things, lots of things.
What kind of things?
Things like...
- What is it?
- I'm sorry. It's this thing.
We gotta go.
I don't understand this animal.
- He's got everything he wants. - Harry,
stop... Ohh! - Why can't he just relax?
He's ripping out saplings,
bam, bam, bam!
- He's ripping out irrigation pipes.
- Oh! Really?
- One big yank, here comes the flood.
- Oh, no.
- What happened? What's wrong with him?
- We don't know! Jill, do you?
Is he okay?
- Can you get in there and calm him down...
- Joe! - Before he relandscapes the habitat?
Joe. It's okay.