Mighty Joe Young

I, uh... I think you should be
all right up here at the gate.

Someone, uh, just called
the guard away. Urgent business.

You came through for us, Harry.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.

You be sure to write us as soon
as you get Joe settled, okay?

I promise.
Okay. You're all set.
So, you're gonna
come to the airport, or...

No, I'm gonna hang back and make sure
nobody notices Joe's gone.

Give you guys a chance
to make a run for it.

Well, if you're ever in Botswana and feel like
taking me out for a good meal at a fine restaurant...

That is, if you're not too afraid
to let Joe know what time you'll be...

Jill, we should go now.
The plane is waiting.

Come. Let's go.
- Gotta go.
- Yeah.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Don't worry, Jill.
Soon Joe will be back home again.

So, what do you think? How many minutes
before the whole world knows he's missing?

Five. How many minutes before we're
both looking through the want ads?
