Alfie, have a seat.
I afraid I have
some bad news.
We've discovered in our midst
a dangerous spy.
An assassin that was sent here
with orders to kill all of us.
What spy? Where is he?
I'll take care of him.
Well, I'm sorry that
I have to tell you this...
but the assassin is Pepper.
Pepper's a dog.
That's true, but dogs
can be trained.
And it stands to prove
what I've always told you...
that you can only
trust you and me.
- He's just a dog.
- Alfie, you know what you have to do.
Be at peace, Alfie.
I'm at peace, Father.
Come here, Pepper.
Come here, boy.
Open this door.
Pepper, come!
Get this door open.
That's enough, Alfie,
don't hurt him.
It's a mistake.
He isn't a spy.
It's a mistake, Alfie.
Make him stop.
I said make him stop!
Be at peace, Alfie.
The General's right.
We made a mistake.