Mr. Murder

What's up?
Is everything all right?

Hello, Dad.
Want to watch some
television with me?

What is this?
I think the first report should
be on just about now.

Business associates have expressed
shock at the heart attack death

of eccentric petroleum
magnate, Kingman Flagg.

A police spokesman has just
announced that although

Flagg had declared
a fight to the death against

a takeover bid by Oslett Industries,
no foul play is suspected.

Kingman Flagg began his
often bumptious career

in the petroleum industry...
You heard?
Yes, well, we already know
the nephews are ready to talk...

Yes, well...
Send flowers and a note with my,
with my signature.

Yes... Bye.
Ah, fate.
Oh, she's a nasty customer,
isn't she?

Merry Christmas, Dad.
Which means what?
Remember when we shut down
the Triple W project

after General Ames was
killed in the car crash?

We didn't really shut it down.
We kept it going very quietly
and it has surpassed
our wildest dreams.

We make these little
beauties in Czechoslovakia,

or whatever the hell
they're calling it these days.

You can pack it with
one cc of anything you like

and it will dissolve in
the human body within 15 minutes.

You killed Kingman Flagg?
Me? No.
No, it wasn't me.

It was Alfie.
The Alfa clone from the project.
