Good night, Bob.
Good night, Peepers.
I'm going to the corner to
see if the magazine's on the stand.
Just keep it where
I won't accidentally
get a glimpse of it, please.
Why do you always get so
grumpy when somebody mentions
the magazine article?
Because he doesn't
want to be a circus freak.
But we all know it's
way too late for that.
Why do they always think
it's so important
to tell the world that I only
have one kind of shirt?
Strangeness sells magazines.
You know, a complete and total
disinterest in fashion
is a sign of...
distinguished intellect.
Who said that?
Somebody said that, right?
Face it, Dad.
You're weird.
Out of the mouths of babes.
Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mom.
Okay. Here we go.
Made you look. Ten points.
Five, max.
Seven and a half
or no story.
Okay, seven and a half.
"At last, Thanksgiving
is safely past...
More turkey eaten
this year than last.
It rhymes.
More 'taters got stuffed,
more yams got jammed...
into our mouths by
using both hands...
Slaw by the bucket, biscuits by twos,
We all got too fat
to fit in our shoes...
It isn't a day
to be gloomy and listless...
I ask you, young ladies...
- what is it?
- It's Christmas!
The reindeer galloped
like bats out of hell.
If that's Santa's driving...
then Santa's not well.
He hoots, he gibbers,
he chortles and spits.
Whoever knew Santa was
this given to fits?
His mean little eyes
spin like devilish tops,
Somebody, somebody,
call in the cops!
A closer look proves
what we all guessed...
It's psychosis...
and a really bad case of
- back off - halitosis.