Jack, Franny...
Oh, my god.
This is bad...
This is very bad.
Oh, my god.
Listen to this:
"In his never varying uniform of
jeans and button-down shirt,
the ritual vestments
of the latest...
the ritual vestments of
the latest California cult..."
I didn't want to come off
like some kind of twisted maniac
from one of my own books.
You need to calm down, Marty.
Your blood pressure's doing backflips.
Now, what exactly leads you to
believe this was a panic attack?
Hyperventilating, my heart
was pounding, it...
it felt like
it was gonna explode.
Sounds like sex.
It wasn't. Trust me.
And Paige thinks
it's just stress, right?
Well, I'm inclined to
agree with her, Marty.
I mean, just relax, you know?
A little fame won't kill ya.
What will?
Well, after a careful assessment of
all the tests I've run this afternoon...
I'd have to say, old age.
Look, there is someone
that I want you to talk to.
Her name is Bar...
If she's a shrink,
forget it, all right?