Have you found Stillwater?
Yes. But I lost
him in the city.
How did you find him?
He was in my head.
Exactly. That's exactly how
I said it would be!
Remember when we experimented
with the genetic implants
with paranormal capabilities,
we thought we got nowhere?
We got somewhere.
This is it!
Okay, look. As soon as
we get rid of Stillwater...
we get Alfie back on line and it'll
be as if nothing ever happened.
Drew, I think that may be a slightly
optimistic appraisal of the situation.
You lost them in the city, huh?
Who taught you to lie, Alfie?
Where does that come from?
Look, we stick with the plan.
We'll catch them in Red Gap.
It's a couple of
miles from here.
Let's go.
They've got Alfie.
Everything's under control.
That's good news.
Now, keep me posted...
Every second of the way.
All right.
Well, is it, or isn't it?
Well, it does seem that the
genetic structure of the blood
is incredibly similar
to Stillwater...
But there are some
unusual differences.
Like what?
This blood coagulates at over
ten times the normal rate.