Graceful. Polite.
Refined. Poised.
Little Brother!
Little Brother. Lit-
-Ah! There you are.
-Who's the smartest doggy in
the world? Come on, smart boy.
-Can you help me with my chores today?
Honorable ancestors,
please help Mulan
impress the Matchmaker today.
Please help her.
Father, I brought your-
-I brought a spare.
-Remember, the doctor said three
cups of tea in the morning...
-and three at night.
Mulan, you should already be in town.
We are counting on you-
To uphold the family honor.
Don't worry, Father.
I won't let you down.
-Wish me luck.
I'm going to...
pray some more.
Fa Li, is your daughter
here yet?
The Matchmaker
is not a patient woman.