
Okay, gentlemen,
thanks to your new friend, Ping,

you'll spend tonight picking up
every single grain of rice.

-And tomorrow, the real work begins.
You know, we have to work
on your people skills.

-All right! Rise and shine,
Sleeping Beauty.

-Come on. Hup, hup, hup.
-Get your clothes on. Get ready.
Got breakfast for ya.

Look, you get porridge,
and it's happy to see you.

Hey, get outta there!
You gonna make people sick.

-Am I late?
-No time to talk. Now remember,
it's your first day of training,

so listen to your teacher and no
fightin', play nice with the other kids,

unless one of the other kids
wanna fight, then you have to
kick the other kid's butt.

-But I don't wanna kick
the other kid's butt.
-Don't talk with your mouth full.

Now let's see your war face.
Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran
for cover. Come on! Scare me, girl.

-Yeah, that's my tough lookin' warrior.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Now, get out there and make me proud.

-What do you mean,
the troops just left?
-They what?

You forgot your sword.

My little baby,
off to destroy people.

Order. People, order.
-I'd like a pan-fried noodle.
-Oh, oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.

-Moo goo gai pan.
-That's not funny.

Looks like our new friend
slept in this morning.

Hello, Ping.
Are ya hungry?
