- [ Bird Screeching ]- [ Groans ]
- [ Screeching ]- [ Object Thrusting ]
[ Shudders ]
We're under attack !Light the signal !
- [ Gasps ]- [ Grunts ]
[ Panting ]
[ Gasps ]
[ People Shouting ln Distance ]
- [ Man ] Light the fire now !- [ Man #2 ] Light the signal !
Now all of Chinaknows you're here.
[ Falcon Screeches ]
Your Majesty, the Huns havecrossed our Northern border.
lmpossible.No one can get through the Great Wall.
Shan-Yu is leading them.
We'll set up defensesaround your palace immediately.
No. Send your troopsto protect my people. Chi Fu.
- Yes, Your Highness ?- Deliver conscription notices
throughout all the provinces.
Call up reserves andas many new recruits as possible.
Forgive me, Your Majesty,but l believe my troops can stop him.
l won't takeany chances, General.
A single grain of ricecan tip the scale.
One man may be the differencebetween victory and defeat.
[ Girl ] ''Quiet and demure.