Music From Another Room

Hold on. Let's put her on the couch over there.
- Okay.
- Don't push.

- You kids go outside and play!
- It's dark outside.

Take a flashlight!
- Can you hold on until the doctor gets here?
- Hank's a doctor.

- I'd prefer a sober one.
- Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Have you ever done this before?
We don't deliver many babies at the base.
We can hang on till that ambulance gets here.
- I don't think so.
- What do you mean, "I don't think so"?

What she means, Richard,
is that this baby is hot to be born.

Nothing we do is gonna change that.
Hold her knee up here.

- I'm sorry, I've got to push!
- Where the hell is the ambulance?

If you gotta push, push. Push.
Okay. Breathe, Gracie.
Okay, hold on. Gracie, listen to me.
You have done this before.
We gotta give this baby a little bit of help.
Push again. Ready?
All right. Ready. One, two, three. Push.
- Push, Grace.
- A little bit more. That a girl.

All right. Okay. Breathe.
- Son of a bitch.
- What?

We got a little problem here.
What do you mean, "a little problem"?
- Nothing I can't handle, all right?
- What?

The umbilical cord might be wrapped...
What do you mean, it might be wrapped?
It might be wrapped around the baby's neck.
Isn't there anything you can do about it?
I don't know, Richard. What do turkeys do?
Of course we can do something.
It's a common problem.

You! Get out of here!
Do what he says, son.
Breathe, Gracie, breathe.
- The retard's in there.
- Let me see!

No, wait. Come here a second.
Let me see your hands. Are they clean?
All right. Listen to me. Listen good, okay?
