Music From Another Room

- Billy, come out of the refrigerator.
- Where's that beer I bought?

- You drank it, Billy.
- Hello.

Daniel! There you are!
- Are you feeling better?
- Much better, thank you.

- Everybody...
- Hi.

This is the man-child...
...who thrust these very hands...
...deep inside my reluctant womb...
...and wrestled...
...until he had wrenched life itself...
...from my unwilling loins.
- Come here!
- That's extraordinary!

That's the retard! You're the retard.
Here she is.
- Anna, come here.
- I thought you were kidding.

Isn't she magnificent?
Mother, please.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Last time we met, you were covered in afterbirth.
- There's a line I bet you never heard before.
- Danny, this is Eric.

Danny is the man responsible
for bringing me into the world.

I'm very grateful.
It'd be a less interesting place without her.

- Think nothing of it.
- Glad you're feeling better.

- I'm Karen.
- Hi.

- Is that your baby?
- Right.

- Hello.
- Can you bring the baby in here, please?

- Why'd you fire her?
- I don't like her.

She read too fast and she skipped parts.
He hired his girlfriend to read for you.
She wasn't one of my girlfriends.
Right. Your girlfriends don't know how to read.
Honey. That's so ridiculous.
Don't start that thing.
