Music From Another Room

- Send me an anonymous poem.
- How do you know it was me?

- Who else would write such drivel?
- What do you mean, drivel?

My God, that's disgusting. Looks like my father.
- This is mine?
- Yeah. Here are your claws.

No, you mean trotters.
Trotters, claws.
Whatever pigs have, those are them.

Anna, make sure you put it on really tight...
:40:22 it doesn't fly off
when they hit him with the baseball bat.

Wait. There's no baseball-bat scene in Medea.
Don't worry.
We put padding on the inside. See?

Okay? It's a big house out there, everybody.
You look great. Break a leg!
Okay, that should hold,
so don't be pulling on it again.

Don't let your tail drag.
Your mom liked my poem.
Please. "My heart's a bell already struck,"
or something like that.

- No, that was it. That was it exactly.
- I told you, natural fabrics.

- I cannot wear anything but natural fabrics.
- Switch with Helen.

- Green? You can't be serious.
- You look nice in green. Really.

You know what?
You're not fooling anyone, you know.

I mean, everyone knows it. It's so obvious.
You're getting into all of our lives
to be around me, so end it!

- I can't.
- Why?

Because I love you.
- Please! Are you always this insipid?
- No. You inspire me.

Finally. A purpose in life. Pick up your tail.
Anna, please. Run away with me.
Run away with me and marry me tomorrow.
- I'm being seduced by a 6-foot pig.
- Story of my life. Come on.

You know, does it bother you at all
that I'm engaged to be married?

- I think you should have a choice.
- Thank you. I love choices.

Let me think. I'll choose Eric.
- That wasn't very hard, was it?
- It didn't seem to be.

- You want to know why?
- Not really.

No? I'm gonna tell you why.
First, there's the fact
that I have everything in common with Eric...

...and nothing in common with you.
- Right.

- He's exceptionally brilliant...
- Really?

- He makes six figures a year.
- So do I. Of course, the first two are zeroes.

I'm only mentioning money
because at one time or another...

...he's kept every member of my family
financially afloat...
