Music From Another Room

- You never do that anymore.
- I do.

- No, you don't.
- I don't?

You don't. Just do it!
- Now?
- Yes! Now.

- I'll finish this, then I'm taking a break.
- You sleeping with her?

- You sleeping with my wife?
- No.

- That's not what she said.
- I'm not.

- You're lying.
- I'm not.

- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.

How come she's so preoccupied with you?
Totally. What are you doing?

You hunting down the women in my life?
Billy, listen. She calls me, all right?
She calls me, just to talk to me.

All right.
You're right.
What would you be sleeping with her for?

You're right. Okay.
I'm gonna tell you something.
I'm gonna tell you once.

Don't talk to my wife, all right?
If she calls, you hang up.

You're filling her head with shit about love...
...and manifesting your own destiny.
She's talking about going back
to that half-wit marriage counselor again.

Maybe you should go.
- What did you just say?
- Maybe you should go.

That is easy for you to say,
because you're not married to her.

Do me a favor. Please stay out of my life.
Stay out of my sister's life, too.
- Nina?
- No, not Nina. Anna.

You think we're all blind?
She's too polite to say you're a fool,
but I am not.

You are making an ass of yourself.
You okay, Danny?
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna hurt him. I'm a doctor.

I got triple-bypass surgery in 20 minutes.
No one in my family likes you,
except my mom, 'cause she's crazy...

...and Nina, 'cause she's blind.
Switch me over to OR.
If they let you glom onto them,
that's their problem.

But whatever you do, you stay away from Irene.
This is Dr. Swan. Can you prep Mr. Stanton?
I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

In love, that's all you need.
- Money. I know.
- No, not money. Show him.

See? The coin with two heads.
Your lady says she doesn't want to make love...
