Music From Another Room

Admit it.
Want to know something?
Yes. God help me, I am.

But I'm only attracted to you
because of your attraction to me.

- Is that bad?
- It's ludicrous.

It's a house of cards.
So I have no hope?
No, you have no hope whatsoever.
I mean, we had an interesting experience
25 years ago...

...and we crossed paths again.
- That's fate.
- Fate?

Please, the last refuge of the truly desperate.
All right.
All right. Let's have it your way.
Fate rules our lives.
Fate caused us to be together now.

You think it's our fate to be lovers,
and I think it's our fate to be apart.

Let's see. Right now.
That's endearing.
You want to toss a coin
to see if we become lovers.

I forget. Did Romeo and Juliet do that...
...or did they just flip baseball cards?
- Are you backing out?
- I'm not backing out.

All right, then. Heads, we become lovers.
Tails, I'll go away. You'll never see me again.
You can blame it on fate.
I don't have to blame what I decide on anything.
So put your sentimentality to the test
and toss the damn thing.

- But I read the coin.
- You can read the coin.

Toss it over here by me.
You ready?
Toss it.
