With their help,
the early pharaons built
more than a hundred
pyramids-80 of which survive today.
But what about the kings
who came later?
You told me King Tutankhamon
wasn't buried in a pyramid?
No, he wasn't.
They stopped building them.
And for good reason.
There were robbers who cared far
more about heaps of gold
than an eternal j ourney.
The pyramids,
to these thieves,
were like enormous
billboards saying,
"We've buried the king in here
and all his treasure with him."
At any rate,
a new plan had to be devised.
That's why 500 years after
the last pyramids were built
a new era of kings decided
that instead of building tombs
which everyone could see
why not build tombs
which no one could see.
Three hundred miles
south of the great pyramids
across the Nile
from the modern city of Luxor
is this barren maze of
valleys in the shadow
of a natural pyramid.
Here no thief could
find the royal tombs.
Here the kings and queens of Egypt
would remain immortal