Carter sent a telegram
to Lord Canarvon in England
to come quickly and went to
Cairo to meet his benefactor.
But while he was away something
very strange happened.
The golden bird that had
brought them luck
was killed by a cobra.
Well, now the cobra was
the protector of the pharaon.
And the canary represents those
who had entered the tomb.
So the cobra ate the canary
because of the mummy's curse.
More likely he ate it
because he was hungry.
I like the curse idea better!
Well, certainly the workmen
believed it was the curse.
The death of the golden bird
was a bad omen to them.
It meant that someone close to
the proj ect would die within the year.
Rumors of a curse mattered
little to Carter.
He hoped his dig would uncover
a tomb like this one
the tomb of a pharaon
named Ramses the 6th
who ruled long after King Tut.
Carter wanted to find treasure.
But if not, something
just as precious.
hieroglyphs that would
reveal priceless knowledge
of how the ancients lived
and what they believed.
These images are from the
Egyptian Books of the Dead,
passports to eternity which
were buried with a mummy.
To help a dead king reach
the afterlife,
they supplied answers to
questions he would be asked
spells to deflect dangers
along the way.