But preparation for the afterlife
began long before death.
In grand temples once supported
by these pillars-among
the largest places
of worship ever built
the living pharaons gave offerings
as a way of communicating
with the gods in the world beyond
and courting their favor.
Both immense and colorful,
temples like the great structure
called Medinet Habut
were the settings for
magnificent rituals
that proclaimed to all
not only the pharaon's power and wealth
but his devotion to the gods
he would one day j oin
on a j ourney through eternity.
They sure seemed preoccupied
with life after death.
and probably because
no ancient people enj oyed life
as much as they did.
There are picture stories
of invention and adventure
of board games and ball games,
of dance and music...
of acrobats and mechanical toys...
of the affection between
husbands and wives...
and of family unity and love.
It was the most advanced
civilization of its time...