At last it's time to rehearse
the scene where Tut's advisor,
Ay, administers last rites...
just as recorded
on the tomb paintings.
But Reeves suspects Ay had more
than a ceremonial role
in the young pharaon's death.
Ay may well have had a hand
in Tutankhamon's downfall,
I suspect.
He had the most to gain.
It was Ay who took over the
pharaon's throne after Tut's death,
but we may never know the truth.
With the sacred rites finished,
Tut's coffin was carried deep within a
labyrinth designed to foil grave robbers
sealed in for an eternity...
which turned out to
be a mere 3,000 years.
Tutankhamon in life
was a minor pharaon.
He's quickly forgotten by his successors
and by the ancient Egyptians.
Now he's probably the most famous
king Egypt has ever known.
I think if he's looking
down on us,
he's probably quite happy.
One of my hopes for this film
is that people will see it,
and they'll be stimulated enough
to go to the library to
Iearn more about the project.
I keep looking at this stuff
and these beautiful scenes we're getting,
because I do feel at times like
I can really see what it was like.