Well, I was ambitious.
I stilI am.
My father taught me to work very hard
at everything I do, and I always have.
I'm not tired.
- So you were living
a pretty normal life in New York?
- Uh-huh.
- Apartment?
- Uh-huh.
- Roommate?
- No. No roommate.
- Boyfriend?
- Boyfriend.
- Honey, please let me explain.
- Jordan, just get out of here.
- I don't want to see you anymore.
- Come on. I got...
I'm standing out here. I got wine,
candles. I got the whole kit.
Just go away, Jordan.
El, can I just talk to you
for five minutes, please?
I'll explain everything.
- Go away!
- We were together...
since senior year in college.
This one was the last time, okay?
Well, not together.
We, uh... We took breaks.
You know, a lot of breaks.
That's mean. That's not funny.
- He just needed some space.
- Space named Linda.
I'm sorry. Was that her name?
Lori? I don't remember.
- Oh, you're so mean.
- ls that not her name?
- That... You're so mean.
- Don't get me wrong.
I like him.
Of course, it was, um,
Jules, my best girlfriend...
who, uh, came home with me
to celebrate my father's birthday.
Jordan, um, as usual,
had something he had to do.
Oh, this ought to be good.
"Come as your favorite literary
character". I don't know why...
my mom can't just throw
a normal birthday party.
Ellie, it's going to be perfectly fine.
Thank you. Thanks.
- Hey!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Oh, good hat. Uh-huh.
- Really good hat.
Really good everything.
Thanks. What'd you guys
come dressed as?
The Sylvia Plath twins?
- Brian, you know I can't do costumes.
- Why?
- It's just so... Mom.
- Human?
- So what have you guys been up to?
- God!
- Ooh. Mm-hmm.
- It's writing and deadlines.