And two, three examples of my work
in case you don't carry that...
around in your bags
with you wherever you go.
And, wait.
Could you wash these for me?
No starch.
And this pocket
needs to be stitched.
Thanks for taking care of this.
Tell Dad dinner's on the table.
Sweetie, later on tonight,
I'm gonna run you a vanilla bath.
That'll help you
go to sleep. Okay?
- Morning.
- Good morning.
Good morning
Mary sunshine
Did you wake so soon
- Remember when we used
to sing you that?
- Nope.
I see the decorating season
has officially begun.
- Our quarterback is suiting up.
- Mmm.
Oh, George.
You love it when...
the Minnies decorate
the Christmas trees.
You just pretend to be Scrooge.
- Mm-mm-mm. Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
Good day. Don't forget you have
a staff meeting at 3:00.
- Oh, yeah. I'lI see you gals tonight.
- Okay.
Mmm. I wish I had redone
this kitchen years ago...
when I had the money to do it.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I just...
I'm a little tired.
I have my big
Minnie luncheon today.
Just the thought of
all those Minnies is tiring.
- I can make the lunch.
- You could make the lunch?
Yeah, I'll call out
for Chinese...
- or make some tuna fish sandwiches.
- No, no.
This is the steering committee lunch
where we plan the Christmas trees.
It's very important.
I'm gonna make chicken paillard...
zucchini soup,
and my heavenly chocolate cake.