One True Thing

Whoa! ls this dissension
in the ranks?

Should I do my reading
from this tonight?

No. No readings this Thanksgiving.
Nobody even likes the readings.

- It's just gonna be us.
- And Jordan.

Wait a minute. You're gonna buck
26 years of tradition?

You're gonna take away Frost and Whitman
and all those other exciting dead guys?

- Are you feeling all right?
- Shut up.

You are not going to believe
who is downstairs with Harold.

Oliver Most...
poet laureate, in our house.
- What is that book?
- Oh, it's mine.

Ellen, could you put up, like, some
hors d'oeuvres or something for them?

Are they staying?
- Hmm.
- Uh-huh. Great.

- Dad?
- Yeah.

lt was just supposed
to be Jordan and us, just family.

Well, I mean...
They have no place else to go.
Oliver is down from Harvard
for a book-signing tour.

He's all by himself. Come on. You know
your mother loves Oliver Most's work.

You promised.
Well, I can't very well
disinvite them now, can I?

And we could all use a little
holiday cheer around here now.

Couldn't we?
Get up!
- Okay. Thank you.
- Oh, Ellen. You did this?

- Oh, Ellie.
- You don't have to be
concerned with things like that.

- There's plenty of time.
- I have to pay
my father when I get back.

- I don't know if I feel good about it.
- Would you like some wine?

Well, you know,
there is plenty of time.

A writer writes something.
He calls his friend. He says...

"I'm finished writing a little
something, and it's not very good.

In fact, it's terrible.
The worse part about it is
it's the best thing I can do.,,
