
Unhand her, Jizzmaster Zero!
You can't defeat me, Orgazmo!
Oh yeah I can, too!
I'll use my Orgazmorator!
Oh, this feels good.
Now, I will kick your ass!
Hello ma'am.
My goodness, you have such an
attractive little garden here.

Why thank you, young man. I just planted
those flowers last week. My, how they grow!

Yes ma'am.
We're from the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Oh, the Mormons.
That's right. I'm... I'm Elder Young,
and this is Elder White.

- Well, you two boys can just fuck right off.
- Ma'am?

You heard me.
Take that Book of Mormom and shove it...

... so far up your righteous
asses that you choke,...

... you soul-soliciting pigfuckers!
Eat shit!
And you take this!
Ow! I jammed my finger! Ow!
- Cut!
- Ow! I jammed my finger!

Goddamnit, cut!
What the hell was that?!
What is your problem Zizinsky?
He blocked! He wasn't supposed to
block and he broke my finger!

You told me you knew how to fight.
Orgazmo's supposed to be a badass!

He shouldn't block me then!
Get back in there and look tough,
you fucking pansy!

I can't. My finger is broken.
You listen to me, you cocky prick!
If you ever wanna work in porno again,
you'll do exactly what I say!

Get back to work!
