Uh, boss?
Some guys from... Jesus?
Cut off their balls!
- I've gotta cut your balls off now.
- Huh??
Hehey, we can take a hint. Uh... you're not
ready to change faiths right now. We respect that.
- Hah! Come here!
- Waitwaitwait, no!
Now this is how you kick somebody's ass.
That oughta teach those Moonies
to stay away from my house.
Please. I don't wanna hurt you.
You don't wanna hurt me, huh?
Guards! More guards!
Uh... Just let me get my buh,
my book and go.
Oh... Sorry.
You little pussy!
... Sorry... sorry.
Holly shit!
That was brilliant!
You're terrific, kid! What's your name?
Look, ah, ah... I didn't mean to hurt
these people, but they told...
Oh no no no, they had it comin'
to them, the rotten bastards!
Why were you trying to hurt this man?!
What is it that you wanted?
... ah, I'm from the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints