... and then widening out
to an establishing shot.
Roll cameras.
We're sucking.
Good. Sucking...
Oh my gosh, I don't know
if I can go through with this.
Oh, sure you can. Just do what I do.
That's some hot shit right there!
Check that out, man!
We're sucking. We're suck...
Yeah. Suck that cock!!
Damnit Dave! Keep your mouth shut!
Sorry, sorry dude, got a little excited.
Cue Orgazmo and Choda Boy!
And Choda Boy!
You can't defeat me, Orgazmo!
You can't defeat me, Orgazmo.
That's your line, Hung.
Hey! That's your line, Hung!
Yeah, yeah I can, too!
I'll use my Orgazmorator!
No, not that!
That feels good.
Nice shot!
They hurt our evil boss, Jizzmaster Zero!
Now you're gonna get some!
Need a hand?
That's "handy work".
Now lock him up, Choda Boy.
Are you okay, ladies?
We're fine, thanks to you, Orgazmo.
And Choda Boy.
Now it's time for us to repay you.
Yeah, come on, boys. Let's get it on.