... but I think unicorns are kickass!
What's that?
Oh, uh, this is the Book of Mormon.
It's another testament of Jesus Christ.
Is it any good?
Okay, people, let's go.
"For the time is at hand that all men
shall reap a reward of their works."
Eheheh, see, when the Mormons arrived
in Missouri, they needed to find jobs.
But no one would hire them...
They should have done double anal.
Excuse me?
Ah, you get to be my age,
you gotta do double anal...
... or no one'll hire ya.
Right. Um, see, people wouldn't hire
the Mormons because of their beliefs.
Now, I'm the only one in town...
... who'll do double anal and double
vaginal at the same time.
You know, DVDA.
Well, it's how I still manage to get work.
I see, um... I don't I don't think
you quite understand what I'm...
I?? Don't understand?? Hey look, pal,...
...you try havin' four dicks in ya at one time.
No thank you!
Hey lady!
We're ready for the DVDA shot!
Nice talkin' to ya, kid
Okay, let's do it!
C'mon boys, grease 'em up!
And action!
How's it goin' ace?
Oh! DVDA shot, huh?
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
- Yeah, she's good.
Hey, do you wanna get some sushi tonight?
So what do you think of your first
day of porno, Joe?