Oh my gosh, are you okay??
Thanks, man.
Awww, you're puttin' me on.
No. I told you it works.
Go ahead. Shoot yourself.
No, I... couldn't.
Go on, give yourself a treat! Just shoot
yourself in the foot or something.
I gotta get cleaned off.
I told ya!
I told ya it works! Do me again!
This is incredible.
Come on! Do me again.
Amazing. And you made this thing, huh?
Whooh, yeah.
Hahhh, sure beats jerkin', huh?
Gettin' your arm all tired?
Wow. Heavenly Father has really
given you a gift for science.
Yeah, whatever.
Hey, can you walk around with that thing on?
I think so. Why?
Wanna go have some fun?