
... behind the crossover success of the decade.
- Stand back, Jizzmaster Zero!
- You can't get me, Orgazmo!

I'll get you with my... Orgazmorator!
How does a movie about a sex superhero...
... become a box-office smash?
This year's John Holmes award goes to...
Tom Hung for Orgazmo!
Holy shit!
What's the difference between Orgazmo...
... and your previous porn titles,
like Schindler's Fist?

I really think history will describe
Orgazmo better than I possibly could.

Hi, Ben.
Hey Georgi. God-damn!
Did your breasts get bigger??

Yeah, I... uh... I upgraded.
My doctor says now I have
enough silicone in my body...

... to kill a small elephant.
Isn't that cool?

Hey Orgazmo!
I'm not Orgazmo.
My name is Joe, okay? Not Orgazmo.

Man, you should be psyched to be Orgazmo.
Especially today, I mean...

Look at this party.
Everybody in the business is here today!

I don't know any of these people.
I just came to get the rest of my money and go.

Hey! Orgazmo!
- I'm not Orgazmo, okay?
- Yeah.

Have you seen Mr. Orbison?
Oh, yeah. I think he's over
there someplace or something.
