...And you don't see a problem with this?
All right, fuck it.
Hey, is that a new costume, Joe?
No, I think it's the same one we've always used.
You know, I don't wanna sound like a queer or
nothin', but I think you've got a really nice ass.
- Uh... Thanks?
- Sure, dude.
What the hell? G-Fresh, what happened
to you, man? How'd you get that scratch?
Oh, I'm sorry, Gs. I'm closing down.
I have to be out in two weeks.
What? Why?
Well the punks from next door got me angry.
You signed the papers?
Well they came in the other day, and
just whupped my sorry black ass. Oh...
Did you call the police?
I make you guys last sushi for half price.
Um.. just give me tuna, salmon, shrimp.
We've got to help him, Joe.
Oh, right. What are we gonna do
against a gang of thugs?
Look, you and I are both
great martial artists, right?
I mean, we're pretty good. And I'm willing to bet
that between the two of us we can take these guys.
Those guys probably have guns, Ben.
Martial arts don't stop guns.
Ma do itashimashita. Hai, douzo.
(My pleasure. Here, please.)
- Jesus!
- Where?
Joe! I just got the most amazing idea ever.
The Orgazmorator, Joe!
You can use the Orgazmorator as a weapon!
You can stun anybody who has a gun,...
... take 'em out of commission!
And we kick their asses.
- Are you nuts?? That... that won't work!
- Why not?!
Well ...Even if we succeded, those guys
would come after us eventually.
We can use disguises.
We can cover ourselves up
so nobody can recognize us.