Out of Sight

- No.
- How's it going?

Sit down.
Okay. Good.
We caught one of them.

- Was it Foley?
- Was it off a tip?

Somebody spotted two of them
out in this hobo camp near the airport.

Called in the number.
That was it.

- I knew it as soon
as I as there was a reward.
- Was it Foley?

No, Linares,
one of the Cubans.

We went in there with full SWAT,
two choppers, that whole deal.

[ Sighs ] Linares goes nuts,
starts shooting, so we took him out.

I don't know how Chirino
got away, but he did.

- And Foley hadn't been there.
- No, this place was strictly Cuban.

Foley had a ride. He must have
his own agenda. You know what I mean?

He seems to be the only guy
who kinda knows what he's doing.

- Uh-huh.
- [ Phone Ringing ]

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

Yeah, she is.
Just a minute, please.

- Hello?
- Hi.

You know who this is?
Yes. [ Whispers ]
Five minutes.

So. Ray.
- Yeah.
- There's something I'm wondering.

The headline reads, "I slept with
a murderer, says shaken Miami woman."

- Who is it that answered the phone?
- None of your business.

I'm just worried maybe
I'm not old enough for you.

- It was my dad.
- Really?

- He's got a cop's face.
- How do you know?

- Oh, wait. You have my wallet.
- And your gun.

- Think I can have 'em back?
- How do we do that?

You can come by my dad's place
and drop 'em off.

I could leave it with the SWAT guy
that answers the door.

There's a guy here
on the task force right now.

Maybe I should put him on the phone
and let the two of you work it out.

- You wouldn't do that.
- Why not?

Because you're having
too much fun.

She fixes him pork chops and rice.
The next thing you know,
they're making love on the sofa.
