But she goes to bed
with a prison escapee because...
he tells her that
he misses his little girl.
She tells the world about it.
But you protect her.
You don't reveal her name.
That makes it sound like
what she was doing was okay...
as long as her husband
doesn't find out.
Like the guy who cheats
on his wife, saying what
she doesn't know won't bother her.
- Dad.
- What?
[ Chuckling ]
Ray, I wanna show you
something... in the living room.
- Yeah.
- Good talking to you, Ray.
Yeah, you too.
[ Woman On TV ] Federal law enforcement
agents raided a squatters camp...
north of Miami International
Airport this morning...
in the hopes of capturing
a fugitive from Tuesday's daring escape
from Glades prison.
F.B.I. officials confirm that
one of the escapees, Arelio Linares,
- was killed--
- [ Jack ] Chino's gonna
wanna talk to me.
- [ Continues Indistinct ]
- Chino's runnin' for his life.
He don't give a shit about you.
He's gonna know by now
I gave him up back at Glades.
He's gonna wanna find me.
Maybe see Adele,
see what she knows.
He knows where she lives?
We were talking once,
drinking rum,
and I may have
mentioned Adele.
How she worked for a magician.
Chino got all interested.
He said, "How do you saw
the woman in half?"
Maybe he wanted to meet her,
maybe see her if she came to visit.
Oh, okay, okay. So you call her up
and tell her don't talk to any Cubans.
- The phone's probably tapped by now.
- You're right.
And if the phone is tapped,
you know they have her place staked out.
- Shit!
- [ Phone Ringing ]
Adele Delisi speaking.
- [ Chino ] Uh, uh, this is Adele?
- Yes, it is.
Oh-- Uh, sorry.
Wrong number.