Mitch Vroman.
Georgetown University.
I was awarded the William F. Thompson
Scientific Achievement Award.
Mmm. Emerson Elementary.
I once drew a picture of a rabbit
that got me two gold stars.
I'm gonna go
back over there now.
First do no harm.
What is implicit in this
simple precept of medicine?
An awesome power.
The power to do harm.
Who gives you this power?
The patient.
A patient will come to you
at his moment of greatest dread..
hand you a knife and say,
"Doctor, cut me open".
Because he trusts you.
He trusts you
the way a child trusts.
He trusts you
to do no harm.
The sad fact is...
human beings
are not worthy of trust.
It is human nature to lie...
take shortcuts,
to lose your nerve, get tired...
make mistakes.
No rational patient would
put his trust in a human being...
and were not gonna let him!
It is our mission here...
to rigorously and ruthlessly
train the humanity out of you...
and make you
into something better.
We're gonna make doctors
out of you.
Two years of studying.
I thought we'd have more contact
with patients. Didn't you?
Hi. I'm Patch.
You've just experienced
a North American greeting...
whereby one person offers
a verbal label to another...
as an expression
of welcome and friendship.