What is it?
What's the difference
between a first-year
and a third-year medical student?
Doctor Vukov, please dial line 1242.
Dr Vukov,
please dial line 1242.
Here we have
a juvenile onset diabetic...
with poor circulation
and diabetic neuropathy.
As you can see,
these are diabetic ulcers...
with lymphedema
and evidence of gangrene.
- Any osteomyelitis?
- None apparent.
Although not definitive.
- Treatment?
- To stabilize the blood sugar.
Consider antibiotics,
possibly amputation.
What's her name?
I was just wondering
the patient's name.
Hi, Marjorie.
Yes, um, thank you.
Let's move on.
- What are you doing?
- Continuing the experiment. Come on.
We can start a lemonade stand
together after we get kicked out
of medical school.
Bye, Marjorie.
I cannot stand it in there, Joletta.
He doesn't have
to talk to me like that.
I know, hon, but really,
how good a mood would you be in?
- May I help you?
- Oh, um...
So I'll meet you
at the club.
Oh, great.
Maybe we'll play the back nine, hmm?
Hello. I'm Patch.
I'm studying medicine here.
Well, not here, but...
Y-You know.
Lookit here, Judy.
Another future boss.
Oh, I wouldn't
look at it like that.
You may think
I'm exaggeratin'...
but in another five years
you'll be so full of yourself...
you'll have to hang a cup out your ass
just to catch the excess.