Sit down! Sit down!
Lie down in your beds
right now!
- I've checked up on you, Hunter.
- Patch.
Hunter, Dr Prack was
a colleague of mine at Bringham.
He tells me
you have a brilliant mind...
and, like many brilliant people,
you don't necessarily think
the rules apply to you.
Not all the rules, sir, but the Golden
Rule, I think that applies to everyone.
Don't you, sir?
I've also heard you have
a real passion to be a doctor, Hunter.
Truth of it is, Hunter,
passion doesn't make doctors.
I make doctors.
- Understood.
- Good.
Medical students, as a rule,
have no contact with patients
until the third year.
- Is that clear?
- It is, sir, but don't you think...
Our way of doing things
is a product of centuries of experience.
It's all there for a reason.
It's my hospital.
I know everything
that goes on inside of it.
Deviation of the tongue.
- A problem with the cranial nerve.
- Which side?
- Right side, tenth nerve.
- Twelfth nerve.
Do you know how many billions of dollars
are wasted on malpractice insurance?
That's money that goes to lawyers
that could go to patients.
- Hi, guys. Sorry I'm late.
- Everybody know Carin Fisher,
Adelane's roommate?
I invited her to join
our study group.
So, Carin, why do you
want to be a doctor?
Is it just me, or do we
have a lot of work to do?
It's just a question.
I think it's the question.
Actually, I don't find the question
here in the outline.
- What page are you on?
- Uh, 1432.
Deviation of a tongue.
We'd learn more if we were
working closely with patients.
That's why we're studying...
to learn enough to help the patients.
Adelane, don't waste your breath.
Don't you th...
Don't you think
I see through you?
You act like you're above the system
when you're really just a nonconformist.